
Yu-Gi-Oh! Vol. 6: Monster Fight!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Vol. 6: Monster Fight! (Yu-Gi-Oh!, #6)Yu-Gi-Oh! Vol. 6: Monster Fight! by Kazuki Takahashi
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The story continues. The group - Yuugi, Jounouchi, Anzu and Honda - is back in school fighting the everyday bully and power hungry jerk there is. I have three favorite moments in this volume I'd like to share (Spoiler alert!).

1. Anzu and Yuugi goes on a date! It's fun and easy going, although everything doesn't foes according to plan.

2. Yuugi looses his soul. The fangirl in me cried her eyes out. It was a moment of panic and such relief when told that "the other Yuugi" got the chance to take over. That was a close one.

3. BAKURA IS INTRODUCED! I thought I was going to die. (I know him from the Anime so I know his part in Yuugi's story.) He's such a sweetheart and then, then... I'm not going to say. It's a major spoiler and if you know Bakura's story you know what I mean. I have such a love/hate relationship with him.

Other than that I don't have much to say. I like Takahashi's style and as the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime fan I am it's so much fun going back and read where the story begun.

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